The show had selected works from two painting series by Cora Marshall, About Time and Sacred Spaces. Each series deals with the relativity of time in unique but related ways.
“In and Out of Time” by artist and educator Cora Marshall is a special exhibit in the Arts Advocates Gallery, presented in collaboration with The Suncoast Black Arts Collaborative and funded in part by a grant from the Sarasota Arts and Cultural Alliance of Sarasota County. The exhibit opens on Saturday, September 3, and runs through September 24; the gallery is open every Saturday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Reception Sept. 10. Michele Redwine, founder of the Suncoast Black Arts Collaborative, will deliver remarks about Marshall and her work.
The show had selected works from two painting series by Cora Marshall, About Time and Sacred Spaces. Each series deals with the relativity of time in unique but related ways.